Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tiger Trouble

Reading all of the blogs for Shelly’s class brought me to the attention of the Tiger Woods story that I totally forgot about and it just got me thinking:

First off, let me say one thing get off Tiger Nuts… athletes have done way worse and they have been accepted back to society, the news has dropped the situation, or maybe you haven’t even heard of it. Sure cheating on your wife isn’t the best thing a multimillion dollar endorser/role model to the public could do, but neither is murder: OJ Simpson (and yes he was found guilty of wrong full death in a different trial) "Alleged" Rape: Kobe Bryant, DUI manslaughter: Dante Stalworth, Robbery/Kidnaping: OJ again, Rape/Road Rage/ Possession of narcotics and DUI: Mike Tyson… Need I go on there are plenty more. So all I am saying is he could have done way worse. He could have actually done something to harm society.


  1. I agree that he hasn't done anything horrible but at the same time if he is suppose to be a role model for people than maybe he should be one.

  2. I agree I don't get why he had to apologize
    who gives a shit!
    He should be saying sorry to his wife not us...
    He is still the best golfer around

  3. Who he has sex with is none of our business. It is a personal matter and should remain that way!
